Sunday, January 8, 2012

blu scout from TF2

The new year has arrived, and I have told myself that I need to update my blog on a regular basis. So, I will start today!
The new year has brought a lot of resolutions for me, one of which is doing a juice cleanse for 60 days. I will starting this tomorrow, and I am beyoooond excited to get healthy!! I am going to track my journey on another blog of mine, that I will post a link to at a later date!
But... Back to the subject of this post, I was asked to make a crochet version of the Blu Scout from Team Fortress 2 for a Christmas comission. I was so anxious to start this project since I've been mainly making hats in the recent months.
I based him on a doll I found online but made the pattern up by myself. I was shocked by how easy he worked up, and I was extremely proud of him!


  1. Really cool! My son wants me to crochet a doll from Team Fortress 2. Would you be willing to share your pattern?

  2. My daughter wants one also? Do you sell the doll or the pattern?

  3. Omg can you please make one team fortress class/character with a specific loadout? I really think my boyfriend would love that if possible
